Welcome to Providence Chapel

Calvinistic Church Chichester West Sussex. Independent KJV Churches Near Me

What We Believe

We firmly believe that The Bible is The Word of God. It is without error and is wholly reliable for both faith and practice. What We Believe
A KJV Bible church in Chichester near Bognor Regis, Portsmouth, Havant, Waterlooville, Worthing, Selsey, South Downs in Sussex. Doctrinally sound independent Bible believing church.


We hope you will be blessed by the preaching of The Word of God. Our services are led by our pastor Jason Pallister. Sermons
How Can I Be Saved According to the Bible? Sussex

Seeking God

The deeper things of life are so easily crowded out today. Here at Providence Chapel we cater for the needs of the soul. Seeking God

Sunday School

Our Sunday School runs from 9:30-10:30 a.m. every Sunday and is completely free. Sunday School
CH Spurgeon sermons, devotional messages, preacher Sussex

Spurgeon’s Morning & Evening

Daily Devotional offers wisdom and insight for applying Biblical truths to the ups and downs of everyday life Spurgeon Morning & Evening
Free Gospel Tracts & Bibles West Sussex. A bible believing Church Chichester.

Gospel Tracts

Please feel free to read our church's Gospel tracts. Free Gospel Tracts
Bible believing reformed Baptist church in Chichester near Bognor Regis, Portsmouth, Worthing, Havant, Arundel in West Sussex. KJV reformed churches Sussex.


Please enquire on arrival at the Chapel for parking on Sunday mornings. Our Chapel also has a HEARING LOOP.
Independent KJV Reformed Church Chichester, Near Portsmouth, Havant, Selsey, Bognor Regis, Worthing, Storrington, Lancing, Brighton, South Downs, Sussex. Bible Believing Churches near me. Evangelical & Gospel churches

What’s on at Providence Chapel Chichester

Pastor Jason Pallister

Sunday School 9:30am – 10:30am

Morning Service 11.15am and Evening Service 6.30pm
are also livestreamed on YouTube

Prayer meeting on zoom
Monday 7.30pm

Bible Study meeting
Wednesday 7.30pm